I wanted to dedicate this blog to my lil girl who is turning 3 in 10 days. I cannot believe that time has flown by this fast. I could still remember when I found out that I was pregnant. I was like "OMG, this can't be happening, Donovan is only three months old". Of course Artie said "Yeah baby". I don't really remember the pregnancy since I had a baby to take care of but what I do remember is that I was sooooo excited to find out she was a girl. I figured, I already had the boy (as my father used to call him) and now I am going to have the girl.
Originally her name was going to be Isabella Camille but after a lot of thought and realizing that everbody and their mother were naming there daughters that I had to change it. I was looking online for different names and I came across Ava only because I was reading something about Frank Sinatra. Come to find out he dated Ava Gardner, which by the way was beautiful in her hay day. So I stuck with the name Ava and she truly is an Ava.
Over the years, she has brought us tremendous joy and laughter with her little ways. I sometimes stop and think..."OMG, I have a daughter". I can't wait to see how she will turn out as a teenager and a young adult. As my grandparents always taught me the verse of scripture: "Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it."[Proverbs 22:6]. I strongly believe if you put enough effort into your children in the ways of God (not your theologies) then you will reap the benefits and blessings that God will have for you. SHE IS DEFINITELY AVALICIOUS!!!
Happy Birthday Ava!!! Mommy and Daddy love you with everything in us. We are very proud of the little lady you are starting to become. Remember to love your God with all your heart, mind, soul and body and you will find favor in Him.
She is so beautiful!! I wish I was gong to be there to celebrate her third b-day but I will be there in spirit.
That was a meaningful blog...I didn't know that you hamed ava after an actress...I learned something new!!!
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